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Computer Literacy

We live in a tech-driven world. Whether you are a middle school, high school or college student, it is unlikely that you would be able to complete the majority of your academic obligations without the use of technology. Your smartphone and your laptop are now doing the work of the traditional notebook and pencil for

How to Help Your Child Find Their Passion

It’s every parent’s duty to nurture their children’s dreams, hopes, and ambitions. From an early age, parents are encouraged to show a vested interest in their child’s future. Children might not know what “they want to be when they grow up” until they’re well into high school (or beyond), but there are ways that parents

Essential Tips for Staying Organized During the School Year

Student life, whether you are in elementary or middle school, high school or college can be busy. There is so much going on in a given academic year and at times, the social events and academic activities can add up and make one feel overwhelmed. Being organized is a great way of managing the busy

Health and Physical Education Booklet

In the past few weeks, the conversation about the sex ed. curriculum reached its pick in this province. When the Education Minister, Lisa Thompson announced that this September, Ontario students will be taught the old sex-ed (Health and Physical Education) curriculum, the reaction was mixed. Some were happy while some were disappointed. Those satisfied with the

What is a Growth Mindset?

You have probably heard the term “growth mindset” by now. It’s become known as a buzzword in the education industry, including the e-learning sub-sector, however, it is not a concept that should be overlooked. A powerful approach to learning, every student, teacher, and parent should become familiar with the basic principles of the growth mindset and

A Quick Chat with One of Our e-learning Instructors

At BrightMinds, e-learning instructors play a significant role in your success. They are the one who follow up with you on a regular basis to make sure you are progressing well in your studies; give you timely and meaningful feedback so you can better understand your academic strengths and weaknesses; reply back to your academic inquiries; clarify

Popular Online Summer Courses

Though short-lived, summer has the potential to offer a wide range of academic and non-academic learning opportunities to high school students. From taking an online summer course to volunteering, if planned properly summer can be a fun and productive time. Grade 9 Students: Prospective Grade 9 students may benefit from reaching ahead, finishing their first high school course over

Selecting High School Courses

The Ontario Secondary Curriculum offers a wide range of Grade 9 to 12 courses. Secondary courses are categorized by discipline, grade, and course type. While the majority of students and parents are aware of the requirements for completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), many need guidance and help in the course selection process. Grade 9 and 10