We will be reviewing fractions and converting fractions to decimals for Number Sense and Numeration. In the Measurement unit, we will explore time in depth and enrich our skills in measuring areas of numerous polynomials. We will be collecting and displaying data in a variety of different graphs for Data Management and Probability. For Patterning and Algebra we will explore patterns in the number chart and number line involving different types of operations. For our last unit in Geometry and Spatial Sense we will be exploring 3-D figures by analyzing its net figure form.
Unit 1: Number Sense and Numeration
Unit 2: Measurement
Unit 3: Data Management and Probability
Unit 4: Geometry and Spatial Sense
Unit 5: Patterning and Algebra
Unit 6 : Hour of Code
Unit 7: Financial Literacy
A. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Skills in Mathematics and the Mathematical Processes
B. Number
C. Algebra
D. Data
E. Spatial Sense
F. Financial Literacy