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SPH3U: Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation

Course Info

Course Name: Physics
Course Code: SPH3U
Grade: Grade 11
Course Type: University Preparation Courses
Course Format: Online
Credit Value: 1.0
Course Duration: 110 Hours
Tuition Fee: $399.00$1,500.00

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Course Overview

This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore kinematics, with an emphasis on linear motion; different kinds of forces; energy transformations; the properties of mechanical waves and sound; and electricity and magnetism. They will enhance their scientific investigation skills as they test laws of physics. In addition, they will analyse the interrelationships between physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.

Course Outline

This course has the following units of study:

  • Unit 1: Kinematics (20 Hours)
  • Unit 2: Forces (20 Hours)
  • Unit 3: Energy and Society (20 Hours)
  • Unit 4: Waves and Sound (20 Hours)
  • Unit 5: Electricity and Magnetism (20 Hours)
  • Course Cumulative Project (10 Hours)

SPH3U has a course cumulative project and a final exam, each worth 15% of the final grade calculation.

Curriculum Expectations

A. Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration
A1. demonstrate scientific investigation skills (related to both inquiry and research) in the four areas of skills (initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communicating);
A2. identify and describe careers related to the fields of science under study, and describe the contributions of scientists, including Canadians, to those fields.

B. Kinematics
B1. analyse technologies that apply concepts related to kinematics, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
B2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, uniform and non-uniform linear motion, and solve related problems;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of uniform and non-uniform linear motion, in one and two dimensions.

C. Forces
C1. analyse and propose improvements to technologies that apply concepts related to dynamics and Newton’s laws, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
C2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, net force, acceleration, and mass, and solve related problems;
C3. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between changes in velocity and unbalanced forces in one dimension.

D. Energy and Society
D1. analyse technologies that apply principles of and concepts related to energy transformations, and assess the technologies’ social and environmental impact;
D2. investigate energy transformations and the law of conservation of energy, and solve related problems;
D3. demonstrate an understanding of work, efficiency, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, nuclear energy, and thermal energy and its transfer (heat).

E. Waves and Sound
E1. analyse how mechanical waves and sound affect technology, structures, society, and the environment, and assess ways of reducing their negative effects;
E2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the properties of mechanical waves and sound, and solve related problems;
E3. demonstrate an understanding of the properties of mechanical waves and sound and of the principles underlying their production, transmission, interaction, and reception.

F. Electricity and Magnetism
F1. analyse the social, economic, and environmental impact of electrical energy production and technologies related to electromagnetism, and propose ways to improve the sustainability of electrical energy production;
F2. investigate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, magnetic fields and electric circuits, and solve related problems;
F3. demonstrate an understanding of the properties of magnetic fields, the principles of current and electron flow, and the operation of selected technologies that use these properties and principles to produce and transmit electrical energy.

Course Evaluation

Unit Test
Discussion Questions
Audio Podcast