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What to Expect from an Online Course at BrightMinds

Online courses at BrightMinds are instructor-led, socially engaging learning experiences that meet the expectations of the Ontario Elementry and Secondary Curriculum. Course Structure At BrightMinds, online courses are designed to offer students a semi-self paced structure. Courses have a clear start and end date and each course has a “suggested schedule” which helps students with

Why Every Student Should Learn Basic Coding Skills

Learning basic coding skills can be a great way to increase the opportunities you’ll have when you enter the workplace. But learning to code isn’t just about boosting your resume – it also develops valuable life skills such as creativity, lateral thinking, and persistence. What’s more, many who try it simply find learning to code

Balancing School Life

Finding time to have fun during the school year can be challenging for many students. However, maintaining a balance between work and play is important for both intellectual growth and emotional wellbeing. If school becomes all work and no play, then you are neglecting your social needs. Here are some tips to help you succeed

Study Skills

Over the years, researchers have attempted to classify study techniques and identify the ones that are most optimal for learners. Unfortunately, it’s been hard for researchers to pinpoint which specific strategies are the best. This makes sense when we think about how different we all are as learners. Nevertheless, study behaviors are linked to academic

Organizational Tips for Applying to College/University

To Grade 12 students, the process of applying for a college or university can be a complex and intimidating process. Keeping track of application deadlines, filling out the forms and meeting the academic requirements of each program requires time management and organizational skills. Here are a few practical tips for students: Organize Your Environment While a

Job Interview Tips for High School Students & Graduates

  No matter what career path you want to take, you will eventually have to sit in front of a prospective employer and sell yourself as a model employee. Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, especially if it’s for a position that you want or need to get started along your career path. As a young

The Importance of Extracurricular Activity

By definition, extracurricular activities are any activity that is in addition to your curriculum of study. While you might engage in a wide range of activities outside the classroom, they are not all considered extracurricular.  Extracurricular activities often demand a regular time commitment and might focus on developing a certain knowledge or skill, improving the community or

What You Can Do Now to Decide Your Future

As you approach the final year of high school, the question “what do you want to do after graduating?” starts to sound a little more serious. It is indeed intimidating to decide what your life will be like for the future, especially given the speed of technological advancement. It is natural to not have a