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Is a Cellphone Ban a Good Idea?

The Ontario government recently announced a ban on cellphone use in the classroom for non-educational purposes. The new regulation goes into effect at the start of the new school year. According to the provincial government, students will no longer be able to bring their cellphone to class, unless they receive special permission from their teacher(s)

The Literacy Course: OLC4O

On Wednesday, March 27, hundreds of Grade 10, 11 and 12 students in Ontario wrote the province’s Secondary School Literacy Test, more commonly known as the OSSLT. What is OSSLT? The OSSLT, scheduled by and administered through the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) once each year (usually in March) is a standardized test that identifies

Your Mental Health Matters

Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions? If you do, you are certainly not alone, and help is available. Although it isn’t discussed as openly and as frequently as often as it should be, mental health touches everyone directly or indirectly at some point in their lifetime. And teens are not

Take a Break with Fun Fitness Activities

With March Break and new beginnings in the air, now is a great time to take a break from the sedentary side of academics, get physically active and have fun. Indoors or out, high impact or low, it’s always a good time to try new fitness activities. With temperatures rising and more sunny days on

First Year of College or University: What to Expect

The first year of college or university is full of unknowns. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that it will be one of the most exciting and worthwhile experiences of your life. If you are inching closer to the first year, you might be wondering about those unknowns. You’ve heard the rumors, and you’re wondering what

The Math Problem

Math was always a weak subject for me as a student. It seemed no matter how hard I tried, I could not grasp the concepts and I certainly could not relate to them. I wondered, why did I need to solve the problem that “X” was facing? How could that possibly apply to me? I

Admissions Tips for Grade 12 Students

When it comes to college and university applications, it’s not always just about one’s grades. Depending on the program you are applying to, supplemental materials such as information about volunteer work and extracurricular activities you have been involved in, as well as essays or a “statement of intent” may be required. This additional information you

Transition from Elementary to Secondary School

Are you currently in grade 7 or 8 and wonder what high school will be like? It’s normal to feel a mixture of positive and negative emotions about this new chapter in your life. Regardless of the school you choose, starting high school is a big transition for any student. You’ll probably sign up for