Thanks to everyone who participated in our first Read and Write with Me virtual classes!
Starting from April 14, 2021 we will be continuing these classes for our paid participants, this program will allow students to hone their writing skills and thrive in the creative process as we read various types of text.
We encourage everyone to join our 45-minute sessions covering:
Literary Elements
- Reading a passage analyzing the elements
- Guided discussion, dissecting the text
- Guided step-by-step writing exercises to answer questions effectively
Crafting Sentences
- Reading diverse types of texts investigating on the effectiveness of sentences
- Guided discussion on how to develop their reading and writing skills
- Guided step-by-step writing exercises to enhance the quality of their writing
Different Genres
- Reading to understand the message from the writer
- Guided discussion on the 3 secrets of a captivating writing
- Guided step-by-step writing exercises to establish mood and tone