The age-old question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” may be starting to feel like a weight on your shoulders by now. While many students knew from a young age they wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, video game designer, or actor, not everyone is fortunate enough to know for sure. There could be many reasons for this; maybe you have so many interests that you can’t narrow everything down into a single career path; or perhaps you have something in mind but are intimidated by the amount of schooling involved. Whatever the reason, here are a few examples of why Career Studies is a good idea:
Self-Discovery and Personal Challenges
If the answer to the question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” is perpetually, “I don’t know,” then the solution may be that you need to explore your potential a little deeper. Career Studies (GLC20) provides you with the tools necessary to discover and cultivate your interests and strengths, while evaluating and assessing areas where improvements could be made. By learning effective decision-making skills, students can explore and develop their career, education, and life goals. BrightMinds Online School has developed a program based on the principles of Growing Success (Ministry of Education) that provides students with practical knowledge for today’s workforce. This course aims to take the lofty question students are constantly asked about their futures and convert it into a realistic goal.
Preparing for a Future in the Workplace
It’s easy for us to get lost in our dreams of becoming an entrepreneur, pilot, or lawyer. However, not many of us are given a glimpse into what these careers are really like. How do we know what the day-to-day workload of a layer is like? Career Studies enables us to acquire essential skills for the workforce, such as:
– Reading text
– Document use
– Writing
– Numeracy
– Oral communication
– Thinking skills
– Working with others
– Computer use
– And more
Self-Empowerment through Learning
With a basis of practical knowledge acquired through Career Studies, students will be better prepared for postsecondary education and their careers. With the tools acquired through this course, you will not only have a clearer picture of your career and education goals, but also the skills needed to succeed and handle life’s challenges, including the inevitable transition into adulthood. Be prepared for the workforce before you step foot into it. Career Studies will allow you to manage stress and expectations of post-secondary learning and give you better opportunities to achieve personal success.
Bright Minds Online School is a ministry inspected Ontario private high school that offers students the opportunity to earn credits and achieve their diploma through online learning. We believe that giving students the freedom and independence to learn at their own pace fosters a better learning environment. If you’re in Grade 9 or 10 and aren’t sure what the future of your education has in store for you, contact BrightMinds Online School today to discuss enrolling in a Career Studies course.